All accounts can host more than one domain (Domain pointing to sub-domains). You can add a...
Can I upgrade or downgrade between package plans?Yes you can upgrade or downgrade at any time, there are no additional fees to do this.When you...
Direct All Traffic to httpsOnce you have tested your site out with https://www.mydomain.com (replace mydomain.com with your...
Do you perform backups of my site?We do perform daily backups of your site and store nightly and weekly backups for your...
Do you support FrontPage?No we no longer support Frontpage extensions.
Free Let's Encrypt SSL CertificatesEvery shared hosting customer has a free Let's Encrypt SSL Certificate if they do not already...
How do I use the server's shared SSL?You can use our shared SSL to perform secured transaction with your website. Each of our servers...
What are the links to the control panel logins?Your cPanel link will be as follows:http://yourdomain/cpanel/ If you are a reseller your WHM...
What are your DNS servers? (NameServers)Our DNS (Nameservers) are as follows: DNS1.SHNW.NET DNS2.SHNW.NET All of your...
What is the difference between a reseller account and a normal account with addon features?An addon account allows pointing of a domain to a sub-domain. It will create a seperate FTP login...