Node.js User Interface




End User interface allows end users to setup and manage Node.js for their web applications.

Go to cPanel → Software Section → Select Node.js Version.


Web Applications page is displayed.




There are several columns in the list.

• App URI — application URI including the domain.

• App Root Directory —  application root directory relative to user's home.

• Mode — can be production or development.

• Status — started/stopped — displays if an application is running or not and version of application.

• Actions — allows to start, restart, stop, edit, and remove a particular application.


How to manage application

Start application


To start a stopped application do the following:

• Click Start icon in the Actions column in a stopped application row.

• When an action is completed a Start icon changes to Stop icon.


Stop application


To stop a started application do the following:

• Click Stop icon in the Actions column in a started application row.

• When an action is completed a Stop icon changes to Start icon.




Restart application


To restart started application do the following:

• Click Restart icon in the Actions column in a started application row. A current row is blocked and when a process is completed it will be unblocked.


Remove application


To remove application do the following:

• Click Bin icon in the Actions column in a particular application row.

• In the confirmation pop-up click Agree to start removing or Cancel to close pop-up.

• When an action is completed an application will be removed from the Web Applications table and a confirmation pop-up will be displayed.




Edit application


To edit application do the following:

• Click Pencil icon in the Actions column in a particular application row. A particular application tab opens.




The following actions are available:

• Restart application — click Restart button.

• Stop Node.js — click Stop Node.js button.

• Run JavaScript script — click Run JS Script button to run a command specified in the Scripts section of the package.json file. Specify the name of the script to run plus any parameters then click Ok.

• Remove application — click Delete button and confirm the action in a pop-up.

• Change Node.js version — choose Node.js version from a drop-down.

• Change Application mode — choose application mode from a drop-down. Available modes are Production and Development.

• Specify Application root — specify in a field a physical address to the application on a server that corresponds with its URI.

• Specify Application URL — specify in a field an HTTP/HTTPS link to the application.

• Specify Application startup file — specify as NAME.js file.

• Run npm install command — click Run npm install button to install the package(s) described in the package.json file.

• Add Environment variables — click Add Variable and specify a name and a value.

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